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                                               About Me

Welcome,welcome, welcome to a new adventure in my life. This site  for me will be a definite learning experience due to the fact that my computer experience is, shall we say in the learning stages.  I have been very stubborn to come aboard; resistant is putting it mildly. I have not had the need, so now it is through inspiration that I am here. My prayer is that I have something worthy to share and that this site can be for the greater good of all of us who find our way here.

My name is Gloria, and I consider myself to be a seeker upon the path of enlightenment. Am I an enlightened one? Not hardly, in fact I would have to say a resounding no. I stay on the path anyway, and consistently seek out learning experiences that will bring me closer to that end.  Am I better for having done this?  Yes most definitely.

I do consider myself to be a light worker, simply because I work with people. We are all filled with light, whether we call it Chi, Prana, Christ energy, vibration, we are light beings.  I am a body-worker (aka) massage therapist. I graduated from The Santa Fe College of Massage and Natural Medicine in 1980 which means I am going into my 32nd year of  being a body worker. I fully grasped the concept of chakra’s and light centers, and the flow of chi, at some point during that time, and I became a light-worker.

My career in Holistic therapies has been one path I have walked, the other parallel path has been The Good Red Road. The Native American back to our roots spiritual ways remembered.  Not having grown up on a reservation or with elders who could guide me  in these ways, and there are no schools to go to, to gain this knowledge  so of course, I have had to discover much of this information on my own; gaining one tiny tidbit of knowledge at a time. My effort has been much like picking up the pieces to a precious  puzzle that was broken up a long long time ago, smashed and shattered and then scattered to the four directions. It’s been long and arduous finding a precious piece of knowledge and then trying to understand it’s essence . It’s defiantly been the road less travelled. So this site is about the coming together of these two paths.  Now in the later part of my career I’m turning my attention from the individual client to the bringing attention to the healing of the planet, and what we can do as individuals to help clean her waters, help clean her lungs and revitalize her soil.  My intention is to use this site on her behalf.