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Born the youngest of 15 children in the highlands of Central America, Flordemayo was found at an early age – like others in her family – to have the gift of Sight. By age four, she was being trained in the art of curanderismo which had been handed down from mother to daughter for many generations. Flordemayo's mother was a midwife and healer and taught her daughters in the use of herbs, women's medicine and how women are to honor and care for the Earth. 

Flordemayo now lives in New Mexico. She is a frequent presenter at international conferences. Since 1999, she has been part of the Wisdom of the Grandmothers' Foundation. She is the recipient of the Martin de La Cruz Award for Alternative Healing, a prestigious honor given by the International Congress of Traditional Medicine. Flordemayo iis also a founding director of the Institute for Natural and Traditional Knowledge. This organization has many active projects, including the establisment of an organic seed bank and educational outreach in support of traditional agriculture. 

"Humanity is at a crossroads, we can only go one way, as one can't go in two directions at the same time. We do not know what we need to do as a human species, there is only one place to go and that is into the light, as one tribe".